Carol Davis, MD

"I haven't been where you've been.
I haven't walked in your shoes.
But I'd like to walk beside you, 
And help however I can." 
- Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction Plaque

Carol Davis, MD

How can I help?

A spiritual director/companion can help you deepen your relationship with the divine or the sacred, whatever that may mean for you. It can provide a safe and supportive space to ask questions, share doubts and fears, and receive guidance and insights from someone who has walked the path before you.

As a spiritual companion, I meet you where you are, regardless of your spiritual/religious affiliation, your personal identifications, and where you’ve been in life.  I give to you my empathic and attentive ear in truly seeing you.  With gentle guidance, we navigate from the surface clamor of daily life to a quieter, softer, expansive, joyful and loving space within.  I help you to see your true spiritual self.

What is Spiritual Direction & Companionship?

What is Dream Interpretation?